CMB Images
Images > CMB Images > Four Year COBE Image

Four Year COBE Image
The all-sky image produced by the COBE Satellite. It is a low resolution image of the sky (7 degree resolution), but obvious cold and hot regions are apparent in the image. The large red band is the microwave emissions from our own galaxy. This image shows a temperature range of ± 100 microKelvin. It was processed through the same data pipe as the first year WMAP data. The largest version of the image has a scale added.
Credit: NASA / WMAP Science Team
Available formats:
White Background
160 x 90 JPG (5 KB)
256 x 128 JPG (11 KB)
512 x 256 JPG (43 KB)
1024 x 512 PNG (239 KB)
2048 x 1024 PNG (453 KB)
WMAP # 990166